Really old 3D stuff

When I was 12/13 I was heavily into 3D modelling. I created around 200 different renders of everything from eyeball monsters to castle scenes to weapons. Generally everything that a 12 year old kid is into.

Unfortunately when I was about 15 I lost all record of my work in a hard drive fire. In total I lost about 600 models, 200 renders, 80 games and countless animations and pieces of Photoshop experimentation. I still have the burnt out harddrive in the hope that oneday it can be retrieved.

Anyway, when trawling the web I accidentally found some stuff that I'd uploaded under a weird pseudonym that I couldn't remember. These were all made when I was either 12 or 13 so they're obviously bad but I'm really pleased I've found a remnant from my past :D.

Man, I remember when I made that tank, I thought I was the best thing since sliced bread. What a noob :)

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