Finished Playing Uniracers

It's been a long time since I invested 20+ hours into a game, let alone a snes game. I can safely say that Uniracers grabbed me by the cohones and wouldn't loosen its grip.

Firstly, it's a really dumb concept. You basically race unmanned unicycles around a variety of loops, performing tricks to boost your speed. I honestly can't think of a game I'd enjoy from that description. However it is uncannily addictive though I still can't put my finger on why.

It's so addictive in fact that when nearing the end of the game you unlock a 'barf mode' which is like a physical endurance test that gave me intense motion sickness. I held back the vom and played through.

I think that it's probably the perfect difficulty curve that got me hooked. The first 10 levels or so you complete first time without a hitch but it still makes you feel like you're a master. Then when that masterdom is engrained they lay on the tough stuff.

Anyway here's a video if anyone wants to pick it up and have a go:

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